Bees wax
Bees wax- 100% pure and natural beeswax
- Top quality at an affordable price
Peanut Butter 250g
Peanut Butter 250gProduct | Size | Price (KSh) |
Greenforest Peanut Butter | 250G | 218 |
Greenforest Peanut Butter | 400G | 328 |
Greenforest Peanut Butter | 800G | 627 |
KSh216.00Add to cart
Peanut Butter 400g
Peanut Butter 400gPeanut butter also contains omega-6. Greenforest peanut butter is the ultimate energy booster and your hearts best companion, so much so that the next time you take your family to the supermarket, this is the first thing that’s going to go in your basket.
Product | Size | Price (KSh) |
Greenforest Peanut Butter | 250G | 218 |
Greenforest Peanut Butter | 400G | 328 |
Greenforest Peanut Butter | 800G | 627 |
Shop for the best Peanut Butter at best price from Greenforest.
KSh328.00Add to cart
Peanut Butter 800g
Peanut Butter 800gProduct | Size | Price (KSh) |
Greenforest Peanut Butter | 250G | 218 |
Greenforest Peanut Butter | 400G | 328 |
Greenforest Peanut Butter | 800G | 627 |
KSh687.00Add to cart
KSh79.00Add to cart
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Peeled & Salted Peanuts 100g
Peeled & Salted Peanuts 100gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Peeled & Salted Peanuts | 25G | 22 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 45 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 79 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 156 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 231 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 435 |
KSh79.00Add to cart
KSh156.00Add to cart
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Peeled & Salted Peanuts 200g
Peeled & Salted Peanuts 200gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Peeled & Salted Peanuts | 25G | 22 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 45 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 79 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 156 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 231 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 435 |
KSh156.00Add to cart
KSh231.00Add to cart
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Peeled & Salted Peanuts 250g
Peeled & Salted Peanuts 250gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Peeled & Salted Peanuts | 25G | 21 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 38 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 70 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 148 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 206 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 378 |
KSh231.00Add to cart
KSh22.00Add to cart
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Peeled & Salted Peanuts 25g
Peeled & Salted Peanuts 25gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Peeled & Salted Peanuts | 25G | 22 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 45 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 79 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 156 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 231 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 435 |
KSh22.00Add to cart
KSh342.00Add to cart
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Peeled & Salted Peanuts 500g
Peeled & Salted Peanuts 500gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Peeled & Salted Peanuts | 25G | 16 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 33 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 55 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 124 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 183 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 342 |
KSh342.00Add to cart
KSh45.00Add to cart
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Peeled & Salted Peanuts 50g
Peeled & Salted Peanuts 50gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Peeled & Salted Peanuts | 25G | 22 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 45 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 79 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 156 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 231 |
GFF Peeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 435 |
KSh45.00Add to cart
Pure Honey 1KG
Pure Honey 1KGProduct | Size | Price (KSh) |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 300G | 292 |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 500G | 456 |
GFF Pure Honey Squeeze Bottle | 500G | 463 |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 1000G | 849 |
KSh849.00Read more
Pure Honey 300g
Pure Honey 300gProduct | Size | Price (KSh) |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 300G | 292 |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 500G | 456 |
GFF Pure Honey Squeeze Bottle | 500G | 463 |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 1000G | 849 |
KSh292.00Read more
Pure Honey 500g
Pure Honey 500gProduct | Size | Price (KSh) |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 300G | 292 |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 500G | 456 |
GFF Pure Honey Squeeze Bottle | 500G | 463 |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 1000G | 849 |
KSh456.00Read more
KSh463.00Read more
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Pure Honey Squeeze Bottle 500g
Pure Honey Squeeze Bottle 500gProduct | Size | Price (KSh) |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 300G | 292 |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 500G | 456 |
GFF Pure Honey Squeeze Bottle | 500G | 463 |
GFF Pure Honey Jar | 1000G | 849 |
KSh463.00Read more
KSh305.00Add to cart
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Roasted & Salted Cashewnuts – Pillow 100g
Roasted & Salted Cashewnuts – Pillow 100gRoasted & Salted Cashewnuts – Pillow 100g
Roasted & Salted Cashewnuts – Pillow 100g-
Product Size Price GFF Roasted & Salted Cashewnuts- Pillow 100G 305 GFF Roasted & Salted Cashewnuts- SUP 100G 317
KSh305.00Add to cart
KSh317.00Add to cart
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Roasted & Salted Cashewnuts 100g Sup
Roasted & Salted Cashewnuts 100g Sup-
Product Size Price GFF Roasted & Salted Cashewnuts- Pillow 100G 305 GFF Roasted & Salted Cashewnuts- SUP 100G 317
KSh317.00Add to cart
Unpeeled Peanuts 500g
Unpeeled Peanuts 500gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 25G | 21 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 38 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 70 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 148 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 206 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 378 |
KSh378.00Add to cart
KSh70.00Add to cart
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Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted 100g
Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted 100gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 25G | 21 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 38 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 70 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 148 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 206 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 378 |
KSh70.00Add to cart
KSh148.00Add to cart
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Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted 200g
Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted 200gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 25G | 21 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 38 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 70 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 148 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 206 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 378 |
KSh148.00Add to cart
KSh206.00Add to cart
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Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted 250g
Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted 250gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 25G | 21 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 38 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 70 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 148 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 206 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 378 |
KSh206.00Add to cart
KSh21.00Add to cart
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Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted 25g
Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted 25gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 25G | 21 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 38 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 70 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 148 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 206 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 378 |
KSh21.00Add to cart
KSh38.00Read more
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Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted 50g
Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted 50gProduct | Size | Price |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 25G | 21 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 50G | 38 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 100G | 70 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 200G | 148 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 250G | 206 |
GFF Unpeeled Peanuts- Salted | 500G | 378 |
KSh38.00Read more